It’s time to kickstart the year to elevate your physical activity now! There has never been a better time to improve your physical health especially after all the festive feastings in the past 2 months.

We all know that being physically active can improve your mental health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do daily activities.
Below are some ways for you to kickstart your journey without much hassle.
1. Experience the Physical and Mental Benefits of Jogging
For starters, why not take up jogging? It contributes to overall physical fitness and conditioning and can also provide significant mental benefits such as calming the mind and relieving stress.
Moreover, the impact of jogging is relatively light compared to other forms of exercise like HITT classes or weight training, making it easier for beginners to get started without straining their muscles too much.
It is so convenient as you can easily find outdoor parks or tracks in Singapore that provide safe spaces for you to jog at no cost while simultaneously enjoying much needed fresh air and sunlight.

2. Reach Your Fitness Goals at the Comfort of Your Home
If you haven’t been able to exercise due to work or other commitments, why not try exercising at home? In recent years, exercising in the comfort of your home has become increasingly popular, whether through online fitness classes or just exercising on your own doing stretching and jumping jacks.
There are also plenty of free exercise applications that you can download to provide you with more customized & targeted training programs that you can participate virtually at the comfort of your home.
For example, Nike Training Club, adidas Training by Runtastic, 8fit Workout & Meal Planner etc.
These virtual programs are equally as engaging and interactive as compared to you attending in person!

Put on your jogging shoes or download one of the FREE exercise applications today, you’ll be surprised by how much progress you can make on your journey toward better health and wellness!
Whatever form of activity you choose, make sure that it fits comfortably into your lifestyle so that you're more likely to stay motivated throughout the year.
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